UPDATED 9/26/16
From Cloudmagic to Newton, what is the change? And then this new subscription model which is being explained after the fact. Hardly a good business model. As I wrote earlier, airmail 3 gives more features, more gorgeous interface, and much cheaper. And I agree with a reviewer who says that it seems this company always pushes out cheesy updates just to hide bad reviews. But it won’t work. Nobody enjoys writing bad reviews just for the sake of it. No part of my complaints in the last review has been addressed in the tons of “updates” the company has pushed out since then.
UPDATED 8/20/16
It is great Cloudmagic people are constantly working hard and updating. This updated app still has a good clean interface. It still does not have an optional side bar (you have to keep returning to email to see which is next before you open it. It still cannot do drag-and-drop of attachments. It’s search capability is still way less powerful and more limited than the mobile version. These limitations pushed me to go try airmail 3 desktop. If I had done that first, there would have been no reason for me to buy Cloudmagic at all. Airmail 3 does all and everything, most satisfactorily, and for ten dollars.
It is simpy inexplicable how different—frustratingly different—this this desktop version is! (1) Not once did the mobile version ever ask me to choose an account so as to search better, after listing merely 20 or so search results. I never had any problem with search on that truly fine app. (2) Does it take rocket science, or mere patent permission, to create a permanent or optional side bar??? Yes, the interface is clean, but what use is that when it can’t search and you have to be returning repeatedly to email mail lis? You can’t drag and drop attachments too. For $20, I really expect better.
MandyNel about
Newton - Supercharged emailing, v9.0.77