It Simply Works Well
I’ve used CloudMagic, now Newton, since the begining of 2016. Its minimal, elegant, and smoothly syncs the many email accounts I manage. When CloudMagic updated and rebranded to Newton, like many users I felt blindsided. Without being hasty and firing off a tersely worded review, I waited and utilized the 14 day trial of their supercharged experience.
I only used the extra features once. This may be a case of not knowing how to utilize the features, or being so locked into my workflow that I haven’t allowed space to improve it.
Today I noticed the trial of the supercharged features has ended, but the app still is functional.
Newton is still simple, elegant, and smoothly syncs. Ive decided to support the work of this developer and subscribed. I’d rather not see this app go the way of so many others.
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Newton - Supercharged emailing, v9.1.11