Mass exodus underway following new pricing strategy.
Mass exodus underway following new pricing strategy.
I’ll keep this simple… yes it’s $50/year. but that’s for ALL your devices. so, that fee covers my home & work computers, laptop and iphone and ipad. AND- it’s the BEST email app available. I’ve tried them all- gmail, airmail, mailbox, mailplane, spark, Mail. I wish I had saved all those purchases and just bought this. Why is it the best? The design is great- clean and fast- it runs multiple email apps transparently, and links to Evernote, ToDoIst and Pocket seamlessly, which saves me countless steps. I rarely write reviews, but after seeing all these folks ripping on this app for the subscription model, I had to speak up. Get used to the SAS model, people- it’s the future. It’s not feasible for businesses to keep apps updated and running on multiple platforms withoput having some income. I will say- I never paid for CloudMagic. If I were them, I’d give purchasers credit for having pay for the product towards the subscription model. This was a really bad PR botch on the company’s part- and that’s where all the bad vibes are coming from. The product is solid. Welcome to customer service, guys. And, seriously- this is the best email app out there. I’m happy to pay for it. Complaints? Newton doesn’t have a “send & archive” option, it’s two steps, which is annoying. the label colors are pretty minimal, which is nice for the look but sometimes tough to read at a glance. I’m sure I could figure out a few more niggling details… like a Family pricing plan, maybe. A bit faster server pull. etc. BUT. It’s light-years ahead of anything else. So, it’s worth it.
This is a complete waste of time.and money Buying this software will gain you no more than you already have.
What is all the hate on this email app????? I get it, you guys miss some old app, and it was poor management decision to completely scratch the old app, and replace it with this one. But because I am completely unbiased, and have not ever used CloudMagic, I can tell you that this app changed my life. I HATE HATE HATE email. I hate outlook, I hate how busy it is, and for that particular reason I avoided reading emails for days, which you can imagine is not a good thing when comes to business. You can ask my coworkers, I am completely transformed! I don’t have the email anxiety anymore. I like reading my email in “peace” now. It feels so clean and nice. I even write much friendlier emails because of this. I’m actually worried that all your negative reviews will shut down this beautiful app. THIS IS THE BEST APP FOR EMAIL. <3 The only thing I would improve is the search. It needs to be a bit better.
I don’t usually write reviews, but I want to go out of my way and say THANK YOU to the CloudMagic/Newton team for making me more productive and more profitable. I’m a business professional (software sales and training), and previously used the Mailbox app until Dropbox destroyed it. Newton is everything Mailbox was, PLUS 100x more. My favorite pieces: -The Read Receipt feature was costing me $12/month (***$144/year***) over at Bananatag, and I believe YesWare costs even more. This ONE feature of Newton makes it worth far more than $50/year. -I don’t have to choose which emails I want a read receipt for, and there is no limit to the number of read receipts. Further, I get an instant popup on my Apple Watch when an important VIP has opened an email. This allows me to call the person right away while I am on the top of their mind, and build better relationships. -The Snooze feature in Newton is incredibly helpful for maintaining Inbox Zero and not letting any important emails slip through the cracks. The “Remind me if this person has not replied in X hours or X days” has been a game changer and is not available on most apps. -Easy cross-platform synchronization of my account settings, snoozes, reminders, read receipts, etc between my Macs, iPhone, and Apple Watch. I have waited almost a year for this since the demise of Mailbox, and Newton works flawlessly. I don’t believe any other app is cross-platform in this way. -Newton is the FASTEST email client I have ever used. It’s efficient and uses very little battery and storage space. -The clean interface is very calming and free of distractions. I’m seeing some negative reviews for Newton, and it seems those reviews are all from people who thought CloudMagic would be free forever or $20 forever. When apps are free, the app makers often sell your information and use it for marketing purposes or show you repeated ads. Worse than that, when an app is free, the developers are often looking to sell it to a large corporation. I have seen what happened with Mailbox when it was purchased by Dropbox, and it caused me to go almost a year without a great email solution. I don’t want that to happen with Newton! Let’s support the developers of Newton with small amount equaling $4.16 per month (a fancy coffee!) so they can earn a living, keep us free from advertisements, and keep up the passionate work they have been doing.
$49 a year? Awesome value. Beautifully executed accros platforms. Love the integrated interfaces with other productivity tools such as Evernote. Have been using for 2 years now, and latest iteration (Newton) is the best. If you have multiple email accounts or simply want to get the most out of a single account, you have got to try Newton.
UPDATED 9/26/16 From Cloudmagic to Newton, what is the change? And then this new subscription model which is being explained after the fact. Hardly a good business model. As I wrote earlier, airmail 3 gives more features, more gorgeous interface, and much cheaper. And I agree with a reviewer who says that it seems this company always pushes out cheesy updates just to hide bad reviews. But it won’t work. Nobody enjoys writing bad reviews just for the sake of it. No part of my complaints in the last review has been addressed in the tons of “updates” the company has pushed out since then. UPDATED 8/20/16 It is great Cloudmagic people are constantly working hard and updating. This updated app still has a good clean interface. It still does not have an optional side bar (you have to keep returning to email to see which is next before you open it. It still cannot do drag-and-drop of attachments. It’s search capability is still way less powerful and more limited than the mobile version. These limitations pushed me to go try airmail 3 desktop. If I had done that first, there would have been no reason for me to buy Cloudmagic at all. Airmail 3 does all and everything, most satisfactorily, and for ten dollars. --- It is simpy inexplicable how different—frustratingly different—this this desktop version is! (1) Not once did the mobile version ever ask me to choose an account so as to search better, after listing merely 20 or so search results. I never had any problem with search on that truly fine app. (2) Does it take rocket science, or mere patent permission, to create a permanent or optional side bar??? Yes, the interface is clean, but what use is that when it can’t search and you have to be returning repeatedly to email mail lis? You can’t drag and drop attachments too. For $20, I really expect better.
Stop trying to hide the bad reviews. My original review: Reminds me of Mailbox, which I liked a lot. Sadly the charging of $50 a year for an app I already bought when it was under a different name is really messed up. Like horrible business practice/screwing your early users kinda messed up. I suggest you download Spark for your iPhone (very similar and free) until “Newton” realizes what its done by screwing its existing users. And even if they hadn’t screwed us, its still not worth $50 a year. $10 a year, at best.
Im actually glad about the move to a subscription model. I cant tell you how many email apps Ive loved and relied on only for them to get acquired and shut down because they didnt find a way to make money. Sparrow, Mailbox, Acompli, etc. $4 and change per month is not a whole lot for how much I use email, and unlike a lot of competitors (believe me, Ive tried them all), the app is fast, stable, and consistent. Communication could have been handled better but on the whole I hope to be able to rely on it for years to come.
I’m in the same sinking boat as the rest of the commenters. Got the email about Newton conversion when I was on a trip and decided to investigate further before updating the app. Got home today and, while I can still get my emails on CloudMagic for iOS, my desktop Mac version just has a question mark written over the app icon and it will not open. The mass email I got today from CloudMagic/Newton basically said sorry for surprising everyone with the change but there’s no plan to back off from the subscription model. So a surprise with the subscription change and now a surprise by killing my desktop app. When I bought Cloudmagic 6 months ago I thought I had finally found a great email app. It IS great…just not $50/year great, especially since the new features are of no use to me. And now I have to spend hours searching for and setting up a new email app. I can’t imagine CloudMagic/Newton can survive this mess.
CloudMagic was awesome and I was happy to pay for it. But now you’ve added nothing useful and raised the price EXTREMELY and MADE IT NEVER ENDING. Why? What changed? What useful and valuable features are you adding for us? I’m just not seeing it. Also, telling us we have fourteen days to put up or shut up was not cool. I know you came back and offered the first year for CloudMagic subscribers and therefore I’m willing to see what you can do in the next year to convince me to subscribe but I’m not there yet. Put it back or make it better. Good luck.
bought it for apple macbook think i would use it for some time , now they want more money not rely worth it for the limited functionally it has.
Ive been using the iOS app for a long time and I love it. Im happy I can pay these guys for their work. I admit that $50 per year sounds like a lot. It wasnt easy for me to pay for an email app but it doesnt make sense otherwise. Furthermore, you can use it for free without the added features and its still an excellent email app. Well done guys. Keep up the good work.
First, the many comments on charging for CloudMagic and then renaming the app and moving to a subscription model are on point. That wasn’t the best way to handle this. It shows lack of detail and empathy for your existing customers. I was open to subscribing to the ultimate email solution. Your pricing has positioned you as that but the product isn’t there. If you’re going to charge far outside of what people are paying for a product then it has to be extrordinary. I agree with the Newton guys, they will have to charge to keep their current business model with no adds, not selling user data, and continuing to agressively push a product roadmap. The trouble is without a better starting point this is becoming some sort of subscription based kickstarter model.
I find this app to be just what my review title reads: clean, simple, powerful. I can use as many of the advanced features as I want, but I can also have Newton/Cloud Magic be a simple bare-bones email program.
If you are willing to dump all of your email apps, this will be the one you have to start using. Its interface is user friendly. You dont face with any problems. It works great always. It may seem expensive to most of us but you get what you pay for. I recommend this app to people who wants a secure, lightening fast and reliable email app.
I’ve been a user of Cloudmagic/Newton since it came out. I loved it until this update to newton. If a user doesn’t want the premium features, let them get rid of the Suscribe Now message at the top of the application.
Was my favorite email app on Mac and iOS, even paid for the versions, but now they want me to pay $50 a year after I already paid for the Mac app, seems like bait and switch!!
I’ve used CloudMagic, now Newton, since the begining of 2016. Its minimal, elegant, and smoothly syncs the many email accounts I manage. When CloudMagic updated and rebranded to Newton, like many users I felt blindsided. Without being hasty and firing off a tersely worded review, I waited and utilized the 14 day trial of their supercharged experience. I only used the extra features once. This may be a case of not knowing how to utilize the features, or being so locked into my workflow that I haven’t allowed space to improve it. Today I noticed the trial of the supercharged features has ended, but the app still is functional. Newton is still simple, elegant, and smoothly syncs. Ive decided to support the work of this developer and subscribed. I’d rather not see this app go the way of so many others.
I just paid for it… begrudgingly…. I love the app, I really do, but there’s many things lacking, both from the macOS version and the mobile version, as well as some issues with the prouct all around that made me hesitate and wait until the last second to pay. Don’t get me wrong, the features included are great, it’s quick and snappy, the desktop UI and mobile UI are similar and that’s excellent…. but the biggest glaring issue is the poorly implemented Conversation View: - it groups by subject, but does not if “Message Subject” is altered to “re: Message Subject” or “fwd: Message Subject”, even though they belong together. - it groups by subject as I said above, so that means if I have several different unrelated email strings with the same generic subject “Hi Brad” or “Welcome!”, they all get put into the same conversation. The way that you decide how to implement conversation view needs to rely on more datapoints than the subject. Doing it only by subject is lazy and just an easy way to attach another “feature” to the app. I have to leave it turend off or reading mail becomes a confusing mess. - you can’t sort the conversation view. What if I want all newest message in the converation on top? Having it on the bottom is not how most other mail apps do it, and it’s counter intuitive. Honestly, look at the way the Mac Mail app implemented it. It’s perfect and where I and a lot of your users come from. I still love your app better than the Mac Mail App, but your conversation view is EXTREMELY lacking. - I often have emails forwarded to me from other accounts. But, the default, unchangeable behavior when you receive a forwarded message is to hide the original message. So initially, all forwaded messages from other accounts are always hidden, and it appears I got a blank email. Then I have to go through the extra mouse click/touch gesture to open up the original message. - Conversation view again: when implementing conversation view, you should eliminate that quoted text completely, and just show the most recent text for each message. Again, look at Mac Mail App to know what I mean. Those are just a handful of extreme annoyances with the app. I understand, you want to implement something unique, original and you don’t necessarily want to copy Apple or anyone else out of pride or fear, but still, the conversation view is generally useless and a detriment to the app. You should take a step backfrom this implementation of it and think about how it could be truly useful conceptually, and then put code to build it…. I purchased my year subscription today as a gamble that you will hear me and others and change the conversation view, and keep imporiving the application. Like you say, you believe it’s worth charging this much money for a piece of software we use every day and our work and personal lives revolve around. I agree, but I also think that every feature, including conversation view, should be free of confusion and poor form. Thanks!